lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Technology applied to the medicine

The technology is very ample but i am going to choose some items that they are important for our health.
Well ,the first benefit it has made is about pregnant because the scientists created a machine called "ecografia".
It is used for doing ultrasound to the women that they are pregnant.

As you can see it is a innovative technology very secure for the mother and for her son ,the mother can see how is her son and the machine gives a good results.for doing ultrasound.


This item is very incredible because it can measure the levels of the glucose only you have to put your finger of in middle in the part when you have to make a small picket because you need to put a little of your blood for doing analysis about your glucose.

This image explain  better than me but you can see your results of glucose in the screen of this item.


It is the best contribution of the technology for the medicine,The scientists created a great item called "Telemedicine".It is very useful because it is a great benefit for people that they can not  go to another place for their date with the medic or for some operation. It is really a excellent tool for the medicine.

How you have realized the technology will be always part of our life because it every time is becoming extremely important around the world.

What is your position about the importance that it is taking the technology  in our life?

Well,i hope that you answer my question in the part of below.please you make your commentary .
I see you soon in my next blog.

2 comentarios:

  1. I consider the technology has taken great importance in our life becuse with it the science has achived to create very usefull items for detecting a illness a time or something like this but also there are some desadvantages por example:the density increases and in consecuence the polution too.

    1. Of course!! I am agree with you Kari ,i know that the technology has advantages and desadvantages as everything but we have permitted it beacuase this one every time becomes more important and necessary in our life.
