I am going to start defining , What is technology?
It has different means but it coming from Greek and it is the branch of knowledge,
1610s,"discourse or treatise on an art or the arts,"from Greek tekhnologia"systematic treatment of an art, craft, or technique," originally referring togrammar, from tekhno- . The meaning "science of themechanical and industrial arts" is first recorded 1859. High technologyattested from 1964; short form high-tech is from 1972.
Do you know what was the first technology around the world?
Well, The first technology was the telephone obviously it was not modern as now but it was discovered in time of war , i know you think it was very strange but it was very useful for the military with respect to the communication between them, well it is just a little bit explanation so you have to read the next paragraph for being well informed.
There were some precursors. In 1908 a Professor Albert Jahnke and the Oakland Transcontinental Aerial Telephone and Power Company claimed to have developed a wireless telephone. They were accused of fraud and the charge was then dropped, but they do not seem to have proceeded with production. Beginning in 1918 the German railroad system tested wireless telephony on military trains between Berlin and Zossen. In 1924, public trials started with telephone connection on trains between Berlin and Hamburg In 1925, the company Zugtelephonie A. G. was founded to supply train telephony equipment and in 1926 telephone service in trains of the Deustche Reichsbahn and the German mail service on the route between Hamburg and Berlin was approved and offered to 1st class travelers.
The portrayal of a utopia of mobile phone in literature dates back to the year 1931. It is found in Erich Katsner's children's book "The 35th of May Conrad´s Ride to the Soud Seas " :In 1907, the English caricaturist Lewis Baumer published a cartoon in Punch Magazine entitled "Predictions for 1907" in which he showed a man and a woman in London's Hvde Park each separately engaged in gambling and dating on wireless telephony equipment. Then in 1926 the artist Karl Arnold created a visionary cartoon about the use of mobile phones in the street, in the picture "wireless telephony", published in the German satirical magazine simmpissisums.
As you can see it wass the first technology in the world , it is incredible the importance that the telephone has had since that time until now.
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