miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Did you know that the internet can be dangerous if you don´t know how use it?

I am going to describe some aspect that you have to have in mind.

The first one is the INFORMATION:

You should be carefuly with that specially in pages on internet like facebook, messenger,twitter  between another but anyaway the point is that you don´t have to show all your information in this pages as you know there are many ways for hiding your information  and my  recomendation will be that you just accept to a person that you already meet.

The second one is related with COMMUNICATION:

It happened when you sent messages to another person but in some cases you need to have authorization for it and for that you can block your inbox or if you receive a message of a strange person ,don´t open this message because it can have a virus or maybe it only can be a trap for extorting you.

How affect the inernet in your life?

Everybody knows that the technology has done many contributions to our life but mat the same time it have gone denigrating our quality of life because it has created a dependency for this one as a result it have developed sickness addictive to the games, internet,cell phones and it has taken a meaningful importance in our lives because we prefer to be in a computer or whatever without we have a real life insite with the people,animals, nature and the others think very important but if you analyze the technology eliminate with our lives in several aspects for example; the machine makes all the work for you and in a close future it will have our jobs.
I think now, you are thinking about that but just remember that you can change it.

I consider that it is the information most relevant  that you have to know ,well I know that you know this perfectly but i want to do emphasis because it is for your security.
Please, you  make a commentary about this  :)!! 
Thank you so much.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you, as many things, Internet has advantages and disadvantages and we have to be responsible of the information that we share.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
