I am here again with you but anyway. In this blog i am going to explain about as the computers were changed with time.There are 4 generations:
The First Generation.
It began in 1947,When was created the University of Pennsylvania the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) the first computer electronic which was designed for John Mauchly y John Eckert .This machine had to be in the basement of the university.It had more of 18,000 vacuum tubes consumed 20 kw of energy electric and required an air conditioner system, but the best was that it was faster than any calculator of this time.
The Second Generation .
Close to the date of 1960 ,The computers follow evolving in these every time were smaller and it improved their capacity of processing also in this time started to define the way for communication between them. These were called "program of systems".These were built with circuits transistors and these were programed in new languages called language of high level COBOL and FORTRAN.
The Third Generation.
With the process the technology and the advances of communication in the time of 1960, arises the third generation and its characteristics were:
Its fabrication electronic was based in circuits integrated.
Its handing was through of the languages the control of operating systems
The Fourth Generation.
A mid of 1970 in when appeared the microprocessors.These are circuits integrated of high density and with a speed incredible. The microcomputers with base to these circuits are extremely small and cheap.Therefore their use were more frequently in the market general. Here were born the personals computers that these acquired a great quantity and these were very important in the dynamic social that now it receive the name " revolution informatics".
As you know the computers of today have many functions and apps very moderns .Thanks to the scientists we can use these incredible machines.
As you can see these every time were smaller and these improved in each aspect in this one from their appearance until the speed for making the work that you wish .
I hope that you has spent a good time and you are acquiring knowledge about these great machines.
I see you soon in my next blog :)!!,please you make a commentary .
Wow, Evolution of computers has had a big change through the years, these machines had helped so mucho to human race.