domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Make-up Remover ¨JOHNSON´S´´

Dear Editor:

I am writing to express my concern about an advert wich appeared on page 90 of your magazine last week.I found it is misleading and untruthful.

The advert which is for make-up remover called johnson´s claims to remove the make.up from face.However,It has write that it is very dependable and efficient.This suggest that the woman doesn´t have any make-up about her face because she uses johnson´s.
It is misleading because it doesn´t show any evidences that she really achieved to remove the make-up on her face.

Furthermore,the advert uses false information to sell the product.This says that the make-up remover comes from ´an ancient chinese cliseum´s Buddha .It is clearly a lie,since Buddha never had a coliseum.

I am a regular reader of your magazine and i have always found this is interesting and informative.

Unfortunately,this high standard is greatly reduced by the inclusion of misleading adverts such as this ones.

Therefore,i urge you to remove it from your next issue and check all future adverts more carefully.

Your faithfully,


domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015


I made my interview to my brother his name is Arturo .He is studying criminology at BUAP.He has been studying for 2 years but anyway.Now i am going to tell you some things about my brother.The first topic is about his strengths : he is a patient,nice,smiling,funny,friendly and intelligent person but at the same time he is a proud, and strong person.His  weakness is that he is a little absent -minded and for that sometimes he arrives late to  University.
He wanted to study for roads federal  but when he went to  D,F. for asking about the requirements that he needed to belong to this one . someone of this institution told him  that he had to have a career related to this one and then he decided to study this career but he really enjoy studying criminology because  he has  good qualifications and scholarship.He is a great  student.
He doesn´t like work in  team because he always makes more than other and it is difficult at the same time because his classmates live in puebla and he lives to 2 hours of there  for that reason he prefer work individually .
He told me that his friends described him like a friendly,honest,tolerance ,funny smiling and responsible person but sometimes he is serious person .
Finally he told me when he finished his career ,he will be  studying  for roads federal and i really think that he will can achieve his goals because he always get what he want.

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015


Ever you had wondered How much has influenced the technology in our live?,I suppose that yes ,i suppose but if you didn't think in that .Now is time to reflect about if you have used it in a correct way or not.
From my point of view of technology is a set of knowledge techniques,with a series of processes and functions that it make your life easier because it adapts a your environment and it satisfies your needs .
The activity technology influences in the process social and economic ,but its emphasis commercial it makes that it takes to satisfy the wishes the most prosperous of the consumerism that the needs essential of people.
It is an use intensive, direct or indirect from biosphere environment therefore it is the principal cause of the increasing depletion and degradation of the planet's resources
The technology is a field that it can affect the society in a direct form. The access to the information,The communication and every activity that you make in Internet. You are degrading your quality of life because you leave to do many things for being in the computers. you forget there is a world full of many things beautiful with real people , animals , flowers and also you visit a lot places.
Just use the technology when it be necessary  and enjoys your life .
Remember everything with moderation  is better.

Well It is my last publication i really hope that you has spent a nice time wit me ,I thank you for reading my blog :)!!


I am here again with you but anyway. In this blog i am going to explain about as the computers were changed with time.There are 4 generations:

The First Generation.

It began in 1947,When was created the University of Pennsylvania the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) the first computer electronic which was designed for John Mauchly y John Eckert .This machine had to be in the  basement  of the university.It had more of 18,000 vacuum tubes consumed 20 kw of energy electric and required an air conditioner system, but the best was  that it was faster than any calculator of this time.

The Second Generation .

Close to the date of 1960 ,The computers follow evolving in these every time were smaller and it improved their capacity of processing also in this time started to define the way for communication between them. These were called "program of systems".These were built with circuits transistors and these were programed in new languages called language of high level COBOL and FORTRAN.

The Third Generation.

With the process the technology and the  advances of communication in the time of 1960, arises the third generation and its characteristics were:

Its fabrication electronic was based in circuits integrated.
Its handing was through of the languages the  control of  operating systems

The Fourth Generation.

A mid of 1970 in when appeared the microprocessors.These are circuits integrated of high density and with a speed incredible. The microcomputers with base to these circuits are extremely small and cheap.Therefore their use were more frequently in the market general. Here were born the personals computers that these acquired a great quantity and these were very important in the dynamic social that  now it receive the name  " revolution informatics".
As you know the computers of today have many functions and apps very moderns .Thanks to the scientists we can use these incredible machines.

As you can see these every time were smaller  and these improved in each aspect in this one from their appearance until the speed for making the work that you wish .

I hope that you has spent a good time and you are acquiring knowledge about these great machines.

I see you soon in my next blog :)!!,please you make a commentary .


In this section i am going to mention some apps  that you can download for your computer because these apps are free.Therefore i have to ask you if you know what is an app?, if you don´t know ,don´t worry because i am going to explain it.

What is an apps?

It is a program informatics  created for making easier the work of  the device informatics and it makes a specific function.Now that you know that it is, i can start to show some of these one.

Photo shop

 It is useful for photographs and images.It the best program for editing and create one new of these one.


It is an app that you can use for downloading  a lot music also You can find your favorite  artist and save them  in a file in your computer and it is much safer than another so if you were looking for a program for listening to music, it is your better option.Although i think you know about it but anyway.

It receive  new updates of all blogs  that you follow and it is free  you don´t worry about money and it is safe without virus.

It is the browser faster to exist around the world and also it is very  efficient you can make  different activites in this app and ithe best is that it is free.


It is very useful if you have Apple you can connect and synchronize with this app.It is also a excellent app for looking and downloading music of any type and it is free.

These were some apps for downloading in your computer ,I know that you already knew about these but they follow being the most important apps around the world, you make a commentary below 
Have a nice  night!!!

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Did you know that the internet can be dangerous if you don´t know how use it?

I am going to describe some aspect that you have to have in mind.

The first one is the INFORMATION:

You should be carefuly with that specially in pages on internet like facebook, messenger,twitter  between another but anyaway the point is that you don´t have to show all your information in this pages as you know there are many ways for hiding your information  and my  recomendation will be that you just accept to a person that you already meet.

The second one is related with COMMUNICATION:

It happened when you sent messages to another person but in some cases you need to have authorization for it and for that you can block your inbox or if you receive a message of a strange person ,don´t open this message because it can have a virus or maybe it only can be a trap for extorting you.

How affect the inernet in your life?

Everybody knows that the technology has done many contributions to our life but mat the same time it have gone denigrating our quality of life because it has created a dependency for this one as a result it have developed sickness addictive to the games, internet,cell phones and it has taken a meaningful importance in our lives because we prefer to be in a computer or whatever without we have a real life insite with the people,animals, nature and the others think very important but if you analyze the technology eliminate with our lives in several aspects for example; the machine makes all the work for you and in a close future it will have our jobs.
I think now, you are thinking about that but just remember that you can change it.

I consider that it is the information most relevant  that you have to know ,well I know that you know this perfectly but i want to do emphasis because it is for your security.
Please, you  make a commentary about this  :)!! 
Thank you so much.